BJT Specifications Articles

BJT Specifications Articles: Transistor Datasheet: To select a transistor for a particular application, the Transistor Datasheet provided by device manufacturers must be consulted. Most data sheets start off with the…

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IC Fabrication Articles

IC Fabrication Articles: Processing of Semiconductor Materials: Preparation of Silicon and Germanium – Silicon is one of the commonest elements on earth. It occurs as silicon dioxide (SiO2) and as…

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Capacitor Coupled Class AB Output Stage

Capacitor Coupled Class AB Output Stage: The basic circuit of a Class-AB amplifier using a complementary emitter follower output stage and a Capacitor Coupled Class AB Output Stage load is…

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Transformer Coupled Class B Amplifier

Transformer Coupled Class B Amplifier: Class B Amplifier - The inefficiency of Class-A amplifiers is largely due to the transistor bias conditions. In a Class-B amplifier, the transistors are biased…

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Step Down Converter

Step Down Converter: A step-down switching regulator, or Step Down Converter (also termed a buck converter), produces a dc output voltage lower than its input voltage. The basic circuit arrangement…

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Switching Regulator Operation

Switching Regulator Operation: A Switching Regulator Operation can be thought of as similar to a linear regulator, but with the series-pass transistor operating as a switch that is either off,…

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IC Linear Voltage Regulators

IC Linear Voltage Regulators: 723 IC Regulator - The basic circuit of a 723 IC Linear Voltage Regulators in a dual-in-line package is shown in Fig. 17-20. This IC has…

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