Improving Regulator Performance
Improving Regulator Performance: Error Amplifier Gain - The performance of a regulator is dependent on the voltage gain of the error amplifier. A higher gain amplifier gives better line and…
Improving Regulator Performance: Error Amplifier Gain - The performance of a regulator is dependent on the voltage gain of the error amplifier. A higher gain amplifier gives better line and…
Transistor Series Voltage Regulator: When a low power zener diode is used in the simple Transistor Series Voltage Regulator, the load current is limited by the maximum diode current. A…
Colpitts Oscillator using Op Amp: The Colpitts Oscillator using Op Amp circuit show in Fig. 16-4 is similar to the op-amp phase shift oscillator, except that an LC network is…
Stray Capacitance Effects: Stray Capacitance Effects (Cs) at the input terminals of an operational amplifier effectively introduces an additional phase-lag network in the feedback loop, (see Fig. 15-17), thus making…
Non Inverting Amplifier Theory: Direct-Coupled Noninverting Amplifier - The Non Inverting Amplifier Theory circuit in Fig. 14-14 behaves similarly to a voltage follower circuit with one major difference. Instead of…
Effects of Negative Feedback in Amplifiers: Decibels of Feedback - Effects of Negative Feedback in Amplifiers can be measured in decibels. A statement that 40 dB of feedback has been…
Two Stage Differential Amplifier with Negative Feedback: The circuit shown in Fig. 13-20 has a Two Stage Differential Amplifier with Negative Feedback with npn BJTs, and a direct-coupled pnp transistor…
Two Stage CE Amplifier using Series Voltage Negative Feedback: Negative Feedback Amplifier Circuit - A two-stage, capacitor-coupled BJT amplifier is shown in Fig. 13Â-10. This is the same Two Stage…