Impedance Matching and Tuning in Waveguide

Impedance Matching and Tuning in Waveguide: We know that suitably chosen series or parallel pieces of transmission line had properties which made them useful for providing resistive or reactive impedances.…

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Rectangular Waveguides

Rectangular Waveguides: Rectangular Waveguides - As we know already that the term skin effect indicated that the majority of the current flow (at very high frequencies) will occur mostly along…

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Antenna Coupling

Antenna Coupling: Antenna Coupling : Low and medium frequency antennas are the ones least likely to be of resonant effective height and are therefore the least likely to have purely…

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Extraterrestrial Communications

Extraterrestrial Communications: Extraterrestrial Communications : The most recent, and by far the fastest-growing, field of communications involves the use of various satellite relays, of which the first was launched in…

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Uses of Ground Wave Propagation

Uses of Ground Wave Propagation: Uses of Ground Wave Propagation along the surface of the earth and, as previously mentioned, must be vertically polarised to prevent short circuiting the electric…

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Refraction of Waves

Refraction of Waves: As with light, Refraction of Waves takes place when electromagnetic waves pass from one propagating medium to a medium having a different density. This situation causes the…

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Two Hole Directional Coupler

Two Hole Directional Coupler: It is often necessary to measure the power being delivered to load or an antenna through a transmission line. This is often done by a sampling…

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Quarter Wavelength Transmission Line

Quarter Wavelength Transmission Line: Sections of transmission lines that are exactly a Quarter Wavelength Transmission Line or Half Wavelength Transmission Line long have important impedance-transforming properties, and are often used…

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