Noise and Frequency Modulation

Noise and Frequency Modulation: Noise and Frequency Modulation is much more immune to noise than amplitude modulation and is significantly more immune than phase modulation. In order to establish the…

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Extensions of Single Sideband Amplitude Modulation

Extensions of Single Sideband Amplitude Modulation: The Extensions of Single Sideband Amplitude Modulation is namely, Forms of Amplitude Modulation: This section on amplitude modulation defines, describes and lists the main applications…

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Methods of Suppressing Unwanted Sidebands

Methods of Suppressing Unwanted Sidebands: As stated earlier, the three practical methods of SSB generation all use the balanced modulator to suppress the carrier, but each uses a different method…

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Define Suppression of Carrier

Define Suppression of Carrier: Three main systems are employed for the generation of SSB; the filter method, the phase cancellation method and the "third method." They differ from one another…

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Internal Noise in Communication System

Internal Noise in Communication System: Under the heading of Internal Noise in Communication System, we discuss noise created by any of the active or passive devices found in receivers. Such…

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Interfacing with Microprocessors Articles

Interfacing with Microprocessors Articles: BCD to 7 Segment Decoder using IC 7447: BCD to 7 Segment Decoder using IC 7447 are generally used as numerical indicators and consists of a…

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