8086 External Hardware Synchronization Instructions

8086 External Hardware Synchronization Instructions: The 8086 External Hardware Synchronization Instructions are namely HLT WAIT ESC LOCK NOP HLT Instruction : The HLT instruction will cause the 8086 to stop fetching…

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Electrical Design of Overhead Lines Articles

Electrical Design of Overhead Lines Articles: Constants of a Transmission Line: A transmission line has resistance, inductance and capacitance uniformly distributed along the whole length of the line. Before we…

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Inductance and Resistance Articles

Inductance and Resistance Articles: Definition of Inductance of Transmission Line: The formula for definition of inductance of transmission line is as follows: Voltage induced in a circuit is given by…

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Voltmeters and Multimeters Articles

Voltmeters and Multimeters Articles: DC Meter: The most commonly used dc meter is based on the fundamental principle of the motor. The motor action is produced by the flow of…

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Transducers Articles

Transducers Articles: Electrical Transducer: A transducer is defined as a device that receives energy from one system and transmits it to another, often in a different form. Broadly defined, the…

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Recorders in Electronic Instrumentation Articles

Recorders in Electronic Instrumentation Articles: Definition of Recorder: A recorder is a measuring instrument that displays a time-varying signal in a form easy to examine, even after the original signal…

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Filters in Electronic Instrumentation Articles

Filters in Electronic Instrumentation Articles: What is a Filter Circuit?: A network designed to attenuate certain frequencies but pass others without attenuation is called a filter. A filter circuit thus…

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