Three pulse midpoint converter

Three pulse midpoint converter: These are basically three-phase converters, and are very popular because a 3-phase supply is readily available. 3-phase converters have a greater power capability than single phase…

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Gas Turbine Power Plant

Gas Turbine Power Plant: A generating station which employs gas turbine as the prime mover for the generation of electrical energy is known as a gas turbine power plant In…

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Diesel Power Plant

Diesel Power Plant: A generating station in which diesel engine is used as the prime mover for the generation of electrical energy is known as Diesel Power Plant. In a…

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Hydroelectric Power Station

Hydroelectric Power Station: A Generating station which utilizes the potential energy of water at a high level for the generation of electrical energy is known as a Hydroelectric Power Station Hydroelectric…

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Steam Turbine Efficiency

Steam Turbine Efficiency: The overall Steam Turbine Efficiency is quite low (about 29%) due mainly to two reasons. Firstly, a huge amount of heat is lost in the condenser and…

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Schematic Arrangement of Steam Power Plant

Schematic Arrangement of Steam Power Plant: Although Steam Power Plant simply involves the conversion of heat of coal combustion into electri­cal energy, yet it embraces many arrangements for proper working…

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Dynamic Conditions of a SystemDrive

Dynamic Conditions of a SystemDrive: Dynamic or transient conditions occur in SystemDrive systems when the operating point changes from one steady state condition to another, following a change introduced in…

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Mesh Analysis Equation

Mesh Analysis Equation: Mesh Analysis Equation and nodal analysis are two basic important techniques used in finding solutions for a network. The suitability of either mesh or nodal analysis to…

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