DC Ammeter

DC Ammeter: DC Ammeter - The PMMC galvanometer constitutes the basic movement of a dc ammeter. Since the coil winding of a basic movement is small and light, it can…

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Classification of Printers

Classification of Printers: Classification of Printers - Character printers and graphic plotters are the two devices used to prepare a permanent (or hard copy) record of computer output. The basic…

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Digital Display System

Digital Display System: Digital Display System - The rapid growth of electronic handling of numerical data has bought with it a great demand for simple systems to display the data…

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Recent Trends in Power System Stability

Recent Trends in Power System Stability: Recent Trends in Power System Stability in design of large alternators tend towards lower short circuit ratio (SCR = 1/Xd), which is achieved by…

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Single Line to Ground Fault

Single Line to Ground Fault: Figure 11.4 shows a Single Line to Ground Fault at F in a power system through a fault impedance Zf. The phases are so labelled…

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ZBUS Formulation

ZBUS Formulation: ZBUS Formulation is given by By Inventing YBUS The sparsity of YBUS may be retained by using an efficient inversion technique and nodal impedance matrix can then be…

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