Electron Dynamics Articles

Electron Dynamics Articles: Rutherford Nuclear Model of Atomic Structure: In order to explain many phenomena associated with conduction in gases, metals and semiconductors and the electron emission from a metal…

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Permanent Magnet Moving Coil Relay

Permanent Magnet Moving Coil Relay: The arrangement of permanent magnet moving coil relay is shown in Fig. 9.12. In this relay, the coil is free to rotate in the magnetic…

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Classification of Relays

Classification of Relays: The protective relay may be defined as an electrical device interposed between the main circuit and the circuit breaker in such a manner that any abnormality in…

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Electrical Braking of Polyphase Induction Motors

Electrical Braking of Polyphase Induction Motors: Electrical Braking of Polyphase Induction Motors which consists of different types, namely, Plugging (or Counter-Current Braking) Dynamic (or Rheostatic) Braking Regenerative Braking 1. Plugging…

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DC Series Motor Starter Working Principle

DC Series Motor Starter Working Principle: The series motor starter serves the same purpose as the three- and four-point starters employed with shunt and compound wound motors. However, series motor…

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