Low Frequency Response of FET Amplifier
Low Frequency Response of FET Amplifier: The analysis of the Low Frequency Response of FET Amplifier is quite similar to that of the BJT amplifier. Though here common-source configuration is…
Low Frequency Response of FET Amplifier: The analysis of the Low Frequency Response of FET Amplifier is quite similar to that of the BJT amplifier. Though here common-source configuration is…
Applications of FETs (Field Effect Transistors): Applications of FETs - FET has a very high input impedance (100 MΩ in case of JFETs and 104 to 109 MΩ in case of…
Common Source JFET Amplifier with AC Equivalent Circuit: The Common Source JFET Amplifier Circuit configuration is the most widely employed configuration. It is because this configuration provides high input impedance,…
FET Biasing Methods - Fixed Bias, Self Bias, Potential Divider Bias and Current Source Bias: Unlike BJTs, thermal runaway does not occur with FETs. However, the wide differences in maximum…
Base Bias Circuit With Collector and Emitter Feedback: In this Base Bias Circuit With Collector and Emitter Feedback circuit, as obvious from its name, both collector and emitter feedbacks are…
Self Bias or Potential Divider Bias Circuit: This is the most commonly used biasing arrangement. The arrangement of Self Bias or Potential Divider Bias Circuit is shown in Fig. 12.17…
Negative Resistance Oscillators - Working and Types: Negative resistance oscillators make use of negative resistance elements such as tetrodes, tunnel diodes, unijunction transistors etc. There are two types of negative…
Crystal Oscillators - Circuit, Working, Advantages and Disadvantages: In crystal oscillators, the usual electrical resonant circuit is replaced by a mechanically vibrating crystal. The crystal (usually quartz) has a high…