Classification of High Voltage Laboratories

Classification of High Voltage Laboratories: Classification of High Voltage Laboratories depending on the purpose for which they are intended and the resources (finances) available, can be classified into four types.…

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High Voltage Laboratory Equipments

High Voltage Laboratory Equipments: A High Voltage Laboratory Equipments is expected to carry out withstand and/or flashover tests at high voltages on the following transmission system equipment: Transformers Lightning arresters…

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High Voltage Test on Radio

High Voltage Test on Radio: Many electrical apparatuses like transformers, line conductors, rotating machines, etc. produce unwanted electrical signals in the radio and high frequency (television band, microwave bands, etc.)…

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High Voltage Test on Cables

High Voltage Test on Cables: Cables are very important electrical apparatus for transmission of electrical energy by underground means. They are also very important means for transmitting voltage signals at…

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Characteristics of Lightning Strokes

Parameters and Characteristics of Lightning Strokes: The parameters and Characteristics of Lightning Strokes include the amplitude of the currents, the rate of rise, the probability distribution of the above, and…

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AC Field Strength Meter

AC Field Strength Meter: AC Field Strength Meter is usually measured by introducing a small fixed capacitance probe into the field area and measuring the induced charge on it. Since…

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Circuits for Producing Impulse Waves

Circuits for Producing Impulse Waves: A double exponential waveform of the type mentioned in Eq. (6.15) may be produced in the laboratory with a combination of a series R-L-C circuit…

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