Voltage Drop on Load and Regulation
Voltage Drop on Load and Regulation: The change of average Voltage Drop on Load from the no load theoretical value expressed as a percentage of no load voltage is called…
Voltage Drop on Load and Regulation: The change of average Voltage Drop on Load from the no load theoretical value expressed as a percentage of no load voltage is called…
High Temperature High Performance Polymers: High Performance Polymers films are thermoplastic and are generally transparent. The are needed for use in applications where temperatures vary from very low (- 269°C)…
Solid Dielectrics Used in Practice: The majority of the insulating systems used in practice are solids. They can be broadly classified into three groups: organic materials, inorganic materials and synthetic…
Breakdown of Solid Dielectrics in Practice: There are certain types of breakdown which do not come under either intrinsic breakdown or thermal breakdown, but actually occur after prolonged operation. These…
Characteristics of Liquid Dielectrics: Essential Characteristics of Liquid Dielectrics should possess good dielectric properties, excellent heat transfer characteristics and must be chemically stable under the range of conditions under which the…
Classification of Liquid Dielectrics: In recent years, a substitute to mineral oils, other polyester oils have been developed which are extensively used in transformers in Europe and other countries. One such oil…
Liquid Dielectrics Breakdown: Liquid dielectrics, because of their inherent properties, appear as though they would be more useful as insulating materials than either solids or gases. This is because both…
Vacuum Insulation: The idea of using Vacuum Insulation purposes is very old. According to the Townsend theory, the growth of current in a gap depends on the drift of the…