Wein Bridge Oscillator using Op Amp

Wein Bridge Oscillator using Op Amp: The Wein bridge is an ac bridge that balances only at a particular supply frequency. In the Wein Bridge Oscillator using Op Amp (Fig.…

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Colpitts Oscillator using Op Amp

Colpitts Oscillator using Op Amp: The Colpitts Oscillator using Op Amp circuit show in Fig. 16-4 is similar to the op-amp phase shift oscillator, except that an LC network is…

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RC Phase Shift Oscillator Circuit Diagram

RC Phase Shift Oscillator Circuit Diagram: Figure 16-1 shows the RC Phase Shift Oscillator Circuit Diagram, which consists of an inverting amplifier and an RC phase-shifting network. The amplifier phase-shifts…

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Stray Capacitance Effects

Stray Capacitance Effects: Stray Capacitance Effects (Cs) at the input terminals of an operational amplifier effectively introduces an additional phase-lag network in the feedback loop, (see Fig. 15-17), thus making…

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Generation of Frequency Modulation

Generation of Frequency Modulation: The Generation of Frequency Modulation system is a variable output frequency, with the variation proportional to the instantaneous amplitude of the modulating voltage. The subsidiary requirements…

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Methods of Suppressing Unwanted Sidebands

Methods of Suppressing Unwanted Sidebands: As stated earlier, the three practical methods of SSB generation all use the balanced modulator to suppress the carrier, but each uses a different method…

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Unsymmetrical Fault Articles

Unsymmetrical Fault Articles: Unsymmetrical Faults on Three Power System: Those faults on the power system which give rise to unsymmetrical fault currents (i.e. unequal fault currents in the lines with…

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