What is illumination? – Terms used in Illumination
What is illumination? - Terms used in Illumination Light is the prime factor in the human life as all activities of human beings ultimately depend upon the light. Where there…
What is illumination? - Terms used in Illumination Light is the prime factor in the human life as all activities of human beings ultimately depend upon the light. Where there…
Atomic Hydrogen Welding Working Principle and Applications: The principle of atomic hydrogen welding is based on (i) the possibility of obtaining atomic hydrogen by means of an electric arc between…
What is Welding Process? - Definition, Classification, Advantages and Disadvantages: Welding Process is a materials joining that produces coalescence of materials by heating them to the welding temperature with or…
Voltage Control Interview Questions and Answers: 1. Why is it necessary to keep the receiving-end voltage constant within specified limits ? Ans. For satisfactory operation of equipment/machinery supplied by the…
Digital Logic Families Interview Questions and Answers: 1. What is the difference between a bipolar logic family and unipolar logic family? Ans. Logic family using BJTs is known as bipolar logic…
Electronic Instruments (Analog as well as Digital) Interview Questions and Answers: 1. Why ordinary voltmeter cannot be used in electronic circuits? Ans. A moving coil voltmeter draws a large current, hence…
Voltage to Current Converter Circuit: Occasionally in industrial electronics, it is necessary to provide a current proportional to certain voltage, even though the load impedance may vary. A circuit which…
Electronics Engineering Articles: This Electronics Engineering Articles which includes the following topics: Gate Turn Off Thyristor (GTO) – Symbol, Operations and Applications Types of Power Supply in Electronics What is…