Electron Orbits and Energy Levels

Electron Orbits and Energy Levels: As already discussed above electron orbits can occupy only certain rings or shells at fixed distances from the nucleus. These shells may be circular or…

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Pin Diagram of 8250 UART

Pin Diagram of 8250 UART: Pin Diagram of 8250 UART - The UART stands for Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter. The UART is used in parallel-to-serial and serial-to-parallel conversions. Actually, UART…

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Bus Interface in Microprocessor

Bus Interface in Microprocessor: Bus Interface in Microprocessor - A microcomputer consists of a set of components such as CPU, memory, I/O device and these components communicate with each other…

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8259A Programmable Interrupt Controller

8259A Programmable Interrupt Controller: 8259A Programmable Interrupt Controller - Microprocessor-based system design requires many I/O devices such as keyboards, displays, sensors and other components. These devices should receive servicing in…

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Pin diagram of 80287 co-processor

Pin diagram of 80287 co-processor: The pin diagram of 80287 co-processor is shown in Fig. 7.53 and the function of pins are given below: D15-D0 The D15-D0 is used as…

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8087 Numeric Data Processor

8087 Numeric Data Processor: The 8087 Numeric Data Processor (NDP) is called a high-speed math co-processor. This math co-processor is also known as Numeric Processor Extension (NPX) or Numeric Data…

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Time Delay Loop in Microprocessor

Time Delay Loop in Microprocessor: Microprocessors perform different operations in sequence and one operation at a time. To complete an opera­tion, some time is required. When some time delay is…

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