Characteristics of Data Transmission Circuits

Characteristics of Data Transmission Circuits: Bandwidth Requirements - Characteristics of Data Transmission Circuits is the most instances consists of pulse-type energy. The data stream is similar to a square-wave signal…

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Telemetry in Electronic Communications

Telemetry in Electronic Communications: Telemetry in Electronic Communications consists of performing measurements on distant objects. Although hydraulic or wire circuits may be used for this purpose, this section will deal…

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Telegraphy in Electronic Communications

Telegraphy in Electronic Communications: Telegraphy in Electronic Communications that employs typewriter like machines operating at a maximum speed of about 60 words per minute (wpm) to send written messages from…

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Parametric Amplifier Types

Parametric Amplifier Types: The basic Parametric Amplifier Types have already been discussed in detail, but several others also exist. They differ from one another in the variable reactance used, the…

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Traveling Wave Tube Working

Traveling Wave Tube Working(TWT): Like the multicavity klystron, the Traveling Wave Tube Working is a linear-beam tube used as a microwave amplifier. Unlike the klystron, however, it is a device…

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Wideband Antenna Types

Wideband Antenna Types: It is often desirable to have an antenna capable of operating over a wide frequency range. This may occur because a number of widely spaced channels are…

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Radiation and Propagation of Waves Articles

Radiation and Propagation of Waves Articles: Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Waves: Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Waves are energy propagated through free space at the velocity of light, which is approximately 300 meters…

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Extraterrestrial Communications

Extraterrestrial Communications: Extraterrestrial Communications : The most recent, and by far the fastest-growing, field of communications involves the use of various satellite relays, of which the first was launched in…

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