8086 Instruction Set Articles

8086 Instruction Set Articles: Data Transfer Instructions in 8086: The Data Transfer Instructions in 8086 are a) General Purpose Byte or Word Transfer Instructions: MOV PUSH POP XCHG XLAT MOV…

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8086 External Hardware Synchronization Instructions

8086 External Hardware Synchronization Instructions: The 8086 External Hardware Synchronization Instructions are namely HLT WAIT ESC LOCK NOP HLT Instruction : The HLT instruction will cause the 8086 to stop fetching…

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Bit Manipulation Instructions in 8086

Bit Manipulation Instructions in 8086(Logical Instructions): The Bit Manipulation Instructions in 8086 or Logical Instructions are NOT AND OR XOR TEST NOT Instruction : NOT destination. The NOT instruction inverts…

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Polling and Interrupts

Polling and Interrupts: In Polling and Interrupts of the microprocessor's software simply checks each of the I/O devices every so often. During this check, the microprocessor tests to see if…

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Instruction Set of 8085

Instruction Set of 8085: The Instruction Set of 8085 can be categorised into five different groups based on the nature of functions the instruction carry out: Data Transfer Group Arithmetic…

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Microprocessor Programming

Microprocessor Programming: A program is a set of instructions arranged in the specific sequence to do the specific task. It tells the microprocessor what it has to do. The process…

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Classification of Instruction Set of 8085

Classification of Instruction Set of 8085: Programming Model of 8085 - The programming model assists you in the programming process. The programming model shows only those parts of the microprocessor…

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Underground Cables in Power System Articles

Underground Cables in Power System Articles: Underground Cables: Electric power can be transmitted or distributed either by overhead system or by underground cables. The underground cables have several advantages such…

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