Types of Insulators in Transmission Lines
Types of Insulators in Transmission Lines: The overhead line conductors should be supported on the poles or towers in such a way that currents from conductors do not flow to…
Types of Insulators in Transmission Lines: The overhead line conductors should be supported on the poles or towers in such a way that currents from conductors do not flow to…
Field Oriented Control of Three Phase Induction Motor: The stator current of an induction motor has the functions of producing the required air gap flux (magnetisation) as well as developing…
Transient Response of Closed Loop Drive System: The Transient Response of Closed Loop Drive System is of fundamental importance and must be investigated in detail. The time response of a…
Reversible Drive using Armature Current Reversal: A schematic of a reversible drive using contactors to reverse the Armature Current Reversal for reversing the rotation is shown kin Fig. 4.81. The…
Commutation in DC Motor: Commutation and commutator wear and tear of the dc motor must be given due consideration when the motor operates on solid state converters. Spark-less commutation must…
Field Oriented Control of Induction Motor: In the slip controlled drives using VSI or CSI discussed in the foregoing secÂtions, the stator voltage or stator current is controlled using slip…
Speed Control of Variable Frequency Induction Motor: Speed Control of Variable Frequency Induction Motor of a squirrel cage induction motor can be controlled very effectively by varying the stator frequency.…
Power System Protection and Switchgear Articles: This Power System Protection and Switchgear Articles which includes the following topics: Basic Ideas of Protection Relay Fault Meaning Zone Protection Essential Qualities of…