Fibre Optic CRT Recording Oscilloscope

Fibre Optic CRT Recording Oscilloscope: Fibre Optic CRT Recording Oscilloscope - The familiar CRT oscilloscope has an extremely HF response, but permanent records, normally photography of the screen, cannot be…

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Probes for CRO

Probes for CRO: Direct Probes (1 : 1): The simplest types of Probes for CRO (one can hardly call it a probe) is the test lead. Test leads are simply…

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Oscilloscope as a Bridge Null Detector

Oscilloscope as a Bridge Null Detector: As a null detector for an ac bridge, the oscilloscope, unlike a meter used for the purpose, gives separate indications for reactive and resistive…

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Gear Wheel Method for Frequency Measurement

Gear Wheel Method for Frequency Measurement: When a Lissajous figure contains a large number of loops, accurate counting becomes difficult. Figure 7.35 shows a test method that uses a modulated…

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Introduction to Oscilloscopes

Introduction to Oscilloscopes: Introduction to Oscilloscopes - The Cathode Ray Oscilloscope is probably the most versatile tool for the development of electronic circuits and systems. The Cathode Ray Oscilloscope allows…

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Microprocessor Based Instruments

Microprocessor Based Instruments: Microprocessor Based Instruments - Digital instruments are designed around digital logic circuits without memory. The use of microprocessors as an integral part of measuring instruments has given…

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Digital Capacitance Meter Block Diagram

Digital Capacitance Meter Block Diagram: Digital Capacitance Meter - Since the capacitance is linearly proportional to the time constant, when a capacitor is charged by a constant current source and…

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