Induction Machine Articles

Induction Machine Articles: Introduction to Induction Machine | Use of Induction Motor: The Introduction to Induction Machine is an important class of electric machines which finds wide applicability as a…

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Function Generation and Linearisation

Function Generation and Linearisation: An important aspect of the closed loop control system is the use of Function Generation and Linearisation, e.g. in the control of induction motors there exists…

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Self Excited DC Generator

Self Excited DC Generator: Rather than arranging a separate dc source for excitation purposes, practical generators are always excited from their own armature terminals, this method of excitation being known…

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Electrical Machines Articles

Electrical Machines Articles: This Electrical Machines Articles which includes the following topics: Electric Generator Diagram Types of Rotating Electric Machine Recent Trends in Electric Machines Magnetic Field Equation BH Curve…

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Thyrite Lightning Arrester Diagram

Thyrite Lightning Arrester Diagram: Thyrite lightning arrester is most common and is mostly used for the protection against high dangerous voltages. It operates on the fact that thyrite, a dense…

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Regulated and Switching Power Supplies Articles

Regulated and Switching Power Supplies Articles: Regulated and Unregulated Power Supply: Almost all electronic devices used in electronic circuits need a dc source of power to operate. The source of…

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