Continuous Balance DVM
Continuous Balance DVM: Continuous Balance DVM - The basic block diagram of a servo balancing potentiometer type DVM is shown in Fig. 5.15. The input voltage is applied to one…
Continuous Balance DVM: Continuous Balance DVM - The basic block diagram of a servo balancing potentiometer type DVM is shown in Fig. 5.15. The input voltage is applied to one…
Successive Approximation Type DVM: The Successive Approximation Type DVM principle can be easily understood using a simple example; the determination of the weight of an object. By using a balance…
Principles of ADC (Analog to Digital Conversion): Principles of ADC - The input signal is compared with an internally generated voltage which is increased in steps starting from zero. The…
Integrating Type DVM (Voltage to Frequency Conversion): The principle of operation of an Integrating Type DVM is illustrated in Fig. 5.5. A constant input voltage is integrated and the slope…
What is Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR)? | Construction and Working of SCR: What is Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR)? - This semiconductor switching device is also known as a thyristor. It…
Frequency Multiplier using PLL 565: Fig. 2.128 shows the block diagram for a frequency multiplier using PLL 565. Here , a divide by N network is inserted between the VCO…
IC 565 PLL | Pin Diagram | Block Diagram: IC 565 PLL is available in a 14 pin DIP package and 10 pin metal can package. Fig. 2.124 shows 14-pin…
Monostable Multivibrator Using IC 555: The IC 555 timer can be operated as a Monostable Multivibrator Using IC 555 by connecting an external resistor and a capacitor as shown in…