Frequency Stability of Oscillator

Frequency Stability of Oscillator: An oscillator having initially been set at a particular frequency does not maintain its initial frequency, but instead drift and wander about in frequency, sometimes uniformly…

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Fixed Positive Voltage Regulators

Fixed Positive Voltage Regulators: The series 7800 regulators provide eight voltage options, rang­ing from 5 to 24 V, as indicated in Table 43.2. These ICs are designed as fixed voltage…

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Op Amp Regulators

Op Amp Regulators: The Op Amp Regulators which includes Op-Amp Series Voltage Regulator Circuit, Current Limiting circuit, Foldback Limiting and Op-Amp Shunt Voltage Regulator Circuit. Let us see one by…

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Comparison of Logic Families

Comparison of Logic Families: The following are the Comparison of Logic Families are 1. RTL and DTL families have become obsolete because of their low speed, high power dissipation, and…

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Basic Controls of CRO

Basic Controls of CRO: Number of controls are required to be provided on a panel of CRO to facilitate its proper functioning. Intensity control is provided for adjustment of brightness…

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Tunnel Diode Construction and Working

Tunnel Diode Construction and Working: Tunnel Diode Construction and Working - The tunnel diode (sometimes called the Esaki diode after its inventor, Dr. Leo Esaki) is a high conductivity, heavily…

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