Basic Ideas of Protection Relay
Basic Ideas of Protection Relay: Basic Ideas of Protection Relay should ensure the availability of electrical energy without interruption to every load connected to the system. When the electric power…
Basic Ideas of Protection Relay: Basic Ideas of Protection Relay should ensure the availability of electrical energy without interruption to every load connected to the system. When the electric power…
Electronic Devices and Circuits Articles: This Electronic Devices and Circuits Articles which includes the following topics: Introduction to Semiconductor Materials and Devices Conduction in Solids Conductor Semiconductor and Insulator P…
8085 Pin Diagram | Functional Pin Diagram of 8085 Microprocessor: Fig. 1.3 (a) and (b) shows 8085 Pin Diagram and functional pin diagram of 8085 microprocessor respectively. The signals of…
Features of 8085 Microprocessor: The Features of 8085 Microprocessor include : 1.It is an 8-bit microprocessor i.e. it can accept, process, or provide 8-bit data simultaneously. 2.It operates on a…
PLC Components: A PLC is a solid state device designed to perform logic functions previously accomplished by electro-magnetic relays. Basically, the PLC Components is an assembly of solid state digital…
PLC Hardware: PLC hardware falls into the following physical configuration: Fixed Input/ Output (I/O) and Modular I/O. 1.Fixed 1/0 PLCs A fixed PLC Hardware consists of a fixed, or built-in,…
DC Inputs: The, dc inputs modules commonly available will work with 5, 12, 24 and 48 volts. The DC Inputs modules allow us to connect either PNP (sourcing) or NPN (sinking)…
Relays Definition: The main purpose of a PLC is to replace real world relays. A Relays Definition is basically an electro-magnetic switch. When a voltage is applied to the coil, a…