Vertical Amplifier
Vertical Amplifier: The sensitivity (gain) and frequency bandwidth (B.W.) response characteristics of the oscilloscope are mainly determined by the vertical amplifier. Since the gain B.W. product is constant, to obtain…
Vertical Amplifier: The sensitivity (gain) and frequency bandwidth (B.W.) response characteristics of the oscilloscope are mainly determined by the vertical amplifier. Since the gain B.W. product is constant, to obtain…
Block Diagram of CRO: The Basic Block Diagram of CRO is shown in Fig.7.5. The ac filament supplies power to the CRT heaters in the Block Diagram of CRO. This…
Block Diagram of Oscilloscope: The major Block Diagram of Oscilloscope shown in Fig. 7.4, of a general purpose CRO, is as follows: CRT Vertical amplifier Delay line Time base Horizontal…
Working Principle of Digital Multimeter: Analog meters require no power supply, they give a better visual indication of changes and suffer less from electric noise and isolation problems. These meters…
Proportional Plus Integral Control: Proportional Plus Integral Control - It is seen from the earlier discussion that with the speed governing system installed on each machine, the steady load frequency…
Thyristor Control of Motors: Thyristor Control of Motors - A variety of thyristor control circuitry has been devised for use in motor control depending upon the type of supply (ac/dc)…
Difference Between Single Phase and Three Phase Induction Motor: Difference Between Single Phase and Three Phase Induction Motor - In a 3-phase induction motor the maximum torque is independent of…
Isolated Induction Generator: An Induction Machine can also work as a generator even if external power supply not available and it is called Isolated Induction Generator. An Isolated Induction Generator…