Three Phase Converter Circuit
Three Phase Converter Circuit: For large sized (rating exceeding 15 kW) motors 3-phase drive is employed. The output voltage of a 3-phase converter has less ripple contents than that of…
Three Phase Converter Circuit: For large sized (rating exceeding 15 kW) motors 3-phase drive is employed. The output voltage of a 3-phase converter has less ripple contents than that of…
Single Phase Full Wave Controlled Rectifier (or Converter): In case of Single Phase Full Wave Controlled Rectifier (or Converter) both positive and negative halves of ac supply are used and,…
Single Phase Half Wave Controlled Rectifier with Resistive Load and Inductive Load: In a Single Phase Half Wave Controlled Rectifier only one SCR is used in the circuit. It is…
Light Activated SCR (LASCR) - Symbol, Construction and Operation: Light activated SCR is just an ordinary SCR except that it can also be light triggered. Most LASCRs also have a…
Collector Modulation Circuit - Working, Advantages and Disadvantages: This is very popular method for AM generation. The circuit diagram for collector modulation is shown in Fig. 22.26. Here, the transistor…
Emitter Follower Circuit - Operation, Advantages and Applications: Emitter Follower Circuit is also a negative current feedback circuit. This circuits exhibits a large input impedance, a small output impedance, and…
Tuned Amplifiers - Definition, Classification and Advantages: Amplifier amplifying a signal of specific frequency or narrowband of frequencies is known as tuned amplifier. Tuned amplifiers are mostly employed for amplification…
Complementary Symmetry Push Pull Amplifier: The use of transformers, at input as well as at output ends, in the push-pull amplifier shown in Fig. 17.25 makes it bulky and expensive…