Optocoupler Circuit Operation

Optocoupler Circuit Operation: An Optocoupler Circuit Operation (optoelectronic coupler) is essentially a photo-transistor and an LED combined in one package. Figure 20-35(a) and (b) shows the typical circuit and terminal…

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LED Seven Segment Display

LED Seven Segment Display: The arrangement of a LED Seven Segment Display is shown in Fig. 20-6(a). The actual LED devices are very small, so, to enlarge the lighted surface,…

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UJT Circuit Diagram

UJT Circuit Diagram: UJT Circuit Diagram Operation : The Unijunction transistor (UJT) consists of a bar of lightly-doped n-type silicon with a block of p-type material on one side, [see…

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SCR Applications Circuits

SCR Applications Circuits: SCR Applications Circuits : An SCR circuit is stable when it operates correctly: switching on and off only at the desired instants. Unwanted triggering (also called false…

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SCR Control Circuit Diagram

SCR Control Circuit Diagram: Pulse Control - The simplest of SCR Control Circuit Diagram is shown in Fig. 19-8(a). If SCR1 was an ordinary rectifier, the ac supply voltage would…

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Bridge Tied Load Amplifier

Bridge Tied Load Amplifier: All of the power amplifiers already discussed have been single-ended (SE): meaning that they provide power to a load that has one terminal grounded and the…

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Linear and Switching Voltage Regulators Articles

Linear and Switching Voltage Regulators Articles: Transistor Series Voltage Regulator: When a low power zener diode is used in the simple Transistor Series Voltage Regulator, the load current is limited…

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