Darlington Connected Output Transistors

Darlington Connected Output Transistors: High-power transistors usually have low current gains, so relatively large base currents must flow into Q2 and Q3 to supply a high load current. This means…

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Direct Coupled Class AB Output Stage

Direct Coupled Class AB Output Stage: The output capacitor in a capacitor-coupled power amplifier is a large expensive component that should be eliminated if possible. Figure 18-23 shows a Class-AB…

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Transformer Coupled Amplifier

Transformer Coupled Amplifier: Transformer Coupled Amplifier commences with the load resistance and output power, specification. A signal voltage amplitude may also be stated, as well as the upper and lower…

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Transformer Coupled Class B Amplifier

Transformer Coupled Class B Amplifier: Class B Amplifier - The inefficiency of Class-A amplifiers is largely due to the transistor bias conditions. In a Class-B amplifier, the transistors are biased…

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IC Controller for Switching Regulators

IC Controller for Switching Regulators: The functional block diagram of a MC34063 integrated circuit controller is shown in Fig. 17-38. This IC is designed to be used as a variable…

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Switching Regulator Operation

Switching Regulator Operation: A Switching Regulator Operation can be thought of as similar to a linear regulator, but with the series-pass transistor operating as a switch that is either off,…

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Short Circuit Protection Circuit

Short Circuit Protection Circuit: Power supplies used in laboratories are subject to overloads and short circuits. Short Circuit Protection Circuit by means of current limiting circuits is necessary in such…

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Improving Regulator Performance

Improving Regulator Performance: Error Amplifier Gain - The performance of a regulator is dependent on the voltage gain of the error amplifier. A higher gain amplifier gives better line and…

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