Operation of Synchronous Motor
Operation of Synchronous Motor: Operation of Synchronous Motor - For any speed other than synchronous speed, the relative speed between air gap flux wave and the rotor is not zero.…
Operation of Synchronous Motor: Operation of Synchronous Motor - For any speed other than synchronous speed, the relative speed between air gap flux wave and the rotor is not zero.…
Synchronous Motors Types: Commonly used Synchronous Motors Types are: wound field, permanent magnet, synchronous reluctance and hysteresis motors. All these motors have a stator with a 3-phase winding, which is…
Working Principle of Linear Induction Motor: While the conventional induction motor gives rotary motion, a Working Principle of Linear Induction Motor provides translational or linear motion. Hence it is termed…
Single Phase Induction Motors Working Principle: Single Phase Induction Motors Working Principle are inferior in performance and lager in weight and volume compared to three-phase motors of the same rating.…
Variable Speed Constant Frequency Generator: Variable Speed Constant Frequency Generator (VSCF) involves generation of electrical power at fixed frequency and fixed voltage from a variable speed prime mover coupled to…
Current Source Inverter Control of Induction Motor: A thyristor Current Source Inverter Control of Induction Motor (CSI) is shown in Fig. 6.45. Diodes D1-D6Â and capacitors C1-C6 provide commutation of thyristors…
Variable Frequency Control From Current Source: Control of induction motor employing variable frequency voltage sources was considered in previous section. This section considers motor control by Variable Frequency Control From…
Cycloconverter Control of Induction Motor: Cycloconverter Control of Induction Motor allows variable frequency and variable voltage supply to be obtained from a fixed voltage and frequency ac supply. A half-wave…