Stepper Motor Interface

Stepper Motor Interface: A stepper motor is a digital motor. It can be driven by digital signal. Fig. 15.18 shows the typical 2 phase Stepper Motor Interface using 8255. Motor…

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Exceptions Types of Motorola 68000

Exceptions Types of Motorola 68000: Exception means an interrupt processing. Like 8086, Exceptions Types of Motorola 68000 also uses a jump vector table to transfer program control to the appropriate…

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Minimum Mode Configuration of 8086

Minimum Mode Configuration of 8086: Pin definitions from 24 to 31 are different for minimum mode and maximum mode. By using these pins the 8086 itself generates all bus control…

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Sub Stations Articles

Sub Stations Articles: Substation: The assembly of apparatus used to change some characteristic (e.g. voltage, ac. to dc., frequency, p.f. etc.) of electric supply is called a Substation. Sub-stations are…

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Optimal System Articles

Optimal System Articles: Introduction to Optimal System Operation: The optimal system operation, in general, involved the consideration of economy of operation, system security, emissions at certain fossil-fuel plants, optimal releases…

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Testing of Materials Articles

Testing of Materials Articles: Direct Current Resistivity Method: The specimen shape and the electrode arrangement should be such that the Direct Current Resistivity Method can be easily calculated. For a…

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Generation of High Voltage and Currents Articles

Generation of High Voltage and Currents Articles: Different Types of High Voltages: In the fields of electrical engineering and applied physics, Different Types of High Voltages (d.c., a.c,, and impulse)…

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