Distortion of Travelling Waves

Attenuation and  Distortion of Travelling Waves: As a Travelling Waves moves along a line, it suffers both attenuation and distortion. The decrease in the magnitude of the wave as it…

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Peak Reading AC Voltmeter Circuit

Peak Reading AC Voltmeter Circuit: Peak Reading AC Voltmeter Circuit : When a capacitor is connected to a sinusoidal voltage source, the charging current where V is the rms value…

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Capacitance Voltage Transformer

Capacitance Voltage Transformer: The errors due to harmonic voltages can be eliminated by the use of capacitive voltage dividers with an electrostatic voltmeter or a high impedance meter such as…

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Generating Voltmeter Principle and Construction

Generating Voltmeter Principle and Construction: High voltage measuring devices employ generating principle when source loading is prohibited (as with Van de Graaff generators, etc.) or when direct connection to the…

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Generation of High Frequency AC High Voltage

Generation of High Frequency AC High Voltage: High Frequency AC High Voltage are required for rectifier d.c power supplies. Also, for testing electrical apparatus for switching surges, High Frequency AC…

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Resonant Transformers

Resonant Transformers: The equivalent circuit of a high voltage testing Resonant Transformers consists of the leakage reactance of the windings, the winding resistances, the magnetizing reactance, and the shunt capacitance…

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Deltatron Circuit

Deltatron Circuit or Cascaded Modular Voltage Multipliers: A combination of Cockcroft-Walton type voltage multiplier with cascaded transformer d.c. rectifier is developed recently for very high voltages but limited output currents having…

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Voltage Drop on Load and Regulation

Voltage Drop on Load and Regulation: The change of average Voltage Drop on Load from the no load theoretical value expressed as a percentage of no load voltage is called…

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