Three Wire DC Distribution System
Three Wire DC Distribution System: The great disadvantage of direct current for general power purposes lies in the fact that its voltage cannot readily be changed, except by the use…
Three Wire DC Distribution System: The great disadvantage of direct current for general power purposes lies in the fact that its voltage cannot readily be changed, except by the use…
Different Types of DC Distributors: Different Types of DC Distributors - In the beginning of the electrical age, electricity was generated as a direct current and voltages were low. The…
Distribution System Connection: All Distribution System Connection of electrical energy is done by constant voltage system. In practice, the following distribution circuits are generally used 1.Radial System: In this system,…
Overhead vs Underground System: The distribution system can be Overhead vs Underground System. Overhead lines are generally mounted on wooden, concrete or steel poles which are arranged to carry distribution…
DC Distribution System: It is a common knowledge that electric power is almost exclusively generated, transmitted and disÂtributed as a.c. However, for certain applications, d.c. supply is absolutely necessary. For…
Performance of Three Phase Short Transmission Line: For reasons associated with economy, transmission of electric power is done by Three Phase Short Transmission Line. This system may be regarded as…
Constants of a Transmission Line: A transmission line has resistance, inductance and capacitance uniformly distributed along the whole length of the line. Before we pass on to the methods of…
Types of Insulators in Transmission Lines: The overhead line conductors should be supported on the poles or towers in such a way that currents from conductors do not flow to…