DC Distribution System

DC Distribution System: It is a common knowledge that electric power is almost exclusively generated, transmitted and dis­tributed as a.c. However, for certain applications, d.c. supply is absolutely necessary. For…

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Constants of a Transmission Line

Constants of a Transmission Line: A transmission line has resistance, inductance and capacitance uniformly distributed along the whole length of the line. Before we pass on to the methods of…

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Line Support

Line Support: The supporting structures for overhead line conductors are various types of poles and towers called line support. In general, the line supports should have the following properties :…

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Various Types of Electricity Tariff

Various Types of Electricity Tariff: The electrical energy produced by a power station is delivered to a large number of consumers. The consumers can be persuaded to use electrical energy…

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Control of DC Drives Using Microprocessors

Control of DC Drives Using Microprocessors: The dc motors fed from thyristor converters for variable speeds are being ex­tensively used in general industrial applications. A dual converter, which is a…

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