Torque Equation of Synchronous Motor

Torque Equation of Synchronous Motor: Figure 5.36 shows a Torque Equation of Synchronous Motor with a round rotor. The rotor is initially stationary with fixed north-south poles created by dc…

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Phase Conversion in Transformer

Phase Conversion in Transformer: Three Phase to Two Phase Conversion Transformer (Scott-T transformer or Scott Connection): Phase conversion from three to two phase is needed in special cases, such as…

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Three Winding Transformer

Three Winding Transformer: Three Winding Transformer may be built with a third winding, called the tertiary, in addition to the primary and secondary. Various purposes which dictate the use of…

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Parallel Operation of Transformer

Parallel Operation of Transformer: When the load outgrows the capacity of an existing transformer, it may be economical to install another one in parallel with it rather than replacing it…

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Autotransformer | Definition | Use of Auto transformer: So far two-winding transformers have been discussed wherein the windings are electrically isolated. When the primary and secondary windings are electrically connected…

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Transformer Efficiency Formula

Transformer Efficiency Formula: Power and distribution transformers are designed to operate under conditions of constant rms voltage and frequency and so the efficiency and voltage regulation are of prime importance.…

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Sumpner Test of Transformer

Sumpner Test of Transformer: While OC and SC tests on a transformer yield its equivalent circuit parameters, these cannot be used for the 'heat run' test wherein the purpose is…

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Transformer Testing Methods

Transformer Testing Methods: Two chief difficulties which do not warrant the Transformer Testing Methods by direct load test are: Large amount of energy has to be wasted in such a…

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