Ungrounded Neutral System

Ungrounded Neutral System: In an ungrounded neutral system, the neutral is not connected to the ground i.e. the neutral is isolated from the ground. Therefore, this system is also called…

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Stepper Motor Classification

Stepper Motor Classification: The Stepper Motor Classification based on the construction and principle of operation. These are Variable reluctance motors Permanent magnet motors Hybrid stepping motors Claw pole motors with…

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3 Phase Induction Motor Construction

3 Phase Induction Motor Construction: A converter fed 3 Phase Induction Motor Construction has the following advantages over a line fed motor: 1.Smooth start up is guaranteed by variable frequency…

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Transient stability in Electrical Drives

Transient stability in Electrical Drives: Transient stability in Electrical Drives - From the preceding discussion it is clear that a drive is in its state of equi­librium at constant speed…

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Basic Elements of Electric Drive

Basic Elements of Electric Drive: Basic Elements of Electric Drive- Before discussion makes clear that an electric drive system basically consists of a mechanical load to which the required mechanical…

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Braking of Induction Motor

Braking of Induction Motor: The three types of Braking of Induction Motor, namely regenerative, dynamic and counter current braking can be accomplished with induction motors also. Regenerative braking When the…

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