Short Circuit Current in Synchronous Generator

Short Circuit Current in Synchronous Generator: The Short Circuit Current in Synchronous Generator being electrical in nature is much faster than the electromechanical dynamics discussed already. It will, therefore, be…

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Tap Changing Transformer

Tap Changing Transformer | Off Load Tap Changer |On Load Tap Changing: Tap Changing Transformer -Voltage variation in power systems is a normal phenomenon owing to the rapid growth of…

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Excitation Phenomenon in Transformer

Excitation Phenomenon in Transformer: It was stated already that the no-load current in a transformer is nonsinusoidal. The basic cause for this Excitation Phenomenon in Transformer, which lies in Transformer…

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Types of Rotating Electric Machine

Types of Rotating Electric Machine: The Types of Rotating Electric Machine are namely the dc machine, the polyphase synchronous machine (ac), and the polyphase induction machine (ac). Three materials are…

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