Instantaneous Overcurrent Relays

Instantaneous Overcurrent Relays: If the relay operates instantly without any intentional time delay, this characteristic can generally be satisfied by a relay of the non-polarized attracted armature type. This relay…

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Clamping Circuit

Clamping Circuit: Negative and Positive Voltage Clamping Circuits - A clamping circuit, also known as a dc restorer, changes the dc voltage level of a waveform, but does not affect…

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Diode Series Clipper Circuit

Diode Series Clipper Circuit: The function of a Diode Series Clipper Circuit (or limiter) is to clip off an unwanted portion of a waveform. This is sometimes necessary to protect…

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Waveguide Junctions

Waveguide Junctions: When it is required to combine two or more signals (or split a signal into two or more parts) in a waveguide system, some form of multiple junction…

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Define Suppression of Carrier

Define Suppression of Carrier: Three main systems are employed for the generation of SSB; the filter method, the phase cancellation method and the "third method." They differ from one another…

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