Amplitude Modulation Theory

Amplitude Modulation Theory: In Amplitude Modulation Theory, the amplitude of a carrier signal is varied by the modulating voltage, whose frequency is invariably lower than that of the carrier. In…

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Control Techniques for Electric Drives Articles

Control Techniques for Electric Drives Articles: Introduction Control Techniques in Electric Drives: An electric drive is a well established industrial drive as it has several ad­vantages and special features. Its…

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Circuit Breaker Ratings

Circuit Breaker Ratings: A Circuit Breaker Ratings may be called upon to operate under all conditions. However, major duties are imposed on the Circuit Breaker Ratings when there is a…

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Sequence Impedance of Power System

Sequence Impedance of Power System: Each element of power system will offer impedance to different phase sequence components of current which may not be the same. For example, the impedance…

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Two pulse half controlled bridge converter

Two pulse half controlled bridge converter: A Two pulse half controlled bridge converter is obtained by connecting a two pulse controlled midpoint converter in series with an uncontrolled one, as…

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Principles of Power System Articles

Principles of Power System Articles: This Principles of Power System Articles which includes the following topics: Electrical Energy Definition Different Types of Energy Sources Unit of Energy Energy Efficiency Definition…

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