Microprocessor Controlled Bridge

Microprocessor Controlled Bridge: Microprocessor Controlled Bridge - Digital computers have been used in conjunction with test systems, bridges, and process controllers for several years. In these applications, computers were used…

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Fully Automatic Digital Instrument

Fully Automatic Digital Instrument: Fully Automatic Digital Instrument - A multimeter with automatic polarity indication, automatic zero correction and automatic ranging (of course coupled with automatic decimal point indication) only…

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Laplace Theorem

Laplace Theorem: The Laplace theorem is given by Differentiation Theorem Integration Theorem Differentiation of Transforms Integration of transforms First Shifting Theorem Second Shifting Theorem Initial Value Theorem Final Value Theorem…

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Definition of Laplace Transform

Definition of Laplace Transform: The Definition of Laplace Transform is used to solve differential equations and corresponding initial and final value problems. Laplace transforms are widely used in engineering, particularly…

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Transient Response of RC Circuit

Transient Response of RC Circuit: Consider a Transient Response of RC Circuit consisting of resistance and capacitance as shown in Fig. 12.6. The capacitor in the circuit is initially uncharged,…

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Transient Response of RL Circuit

Transient Response of RL Circuit: Considers a Transient Response of RL Circuit consisting of a resistance and inductance as shown in Fig. 12.1. The inductor in the circuit is initially…

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Average Power Formula

Average Power Formula: To find the average value of any power function, we have to take a particular time interval from t1 to t2; by integrating the function from t1…

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Measuring the Sine Wave

Measuring the Sine Wave: As the magnitude of the waveform is not constant, the Measuring the Sine Wave can be in different ways. These are instantaneous, peak, peak to peak,…

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