The Sine Wave
The Sine Wave: Many a time, alternating voltages and currents are represented by a sinusoidal wave, or simply a sinusoid. It is a very common type of alternating, current (ac)…
The Sine Wave: Many a time, alternating voltages and currents are represented by a sinusoidal wave, or simply a sinusoid. It is a very common type of alternating, current (ac)…
Frequency Domain Analysis in Network Analysis Articles: Frequency Domain Analysis: As we now already, the responses of the networks to the various time dependent inputs such as step, ramp, exponential…
S Domain Analysis Articles: s domain: To Understand the concept of s domain network, let us see the below three points Single Resistor in s Domain Single Inductor in s…
Band Pass Filter: Band pass filter pass a certain range of frequencies (called as pass band) while attenuate all other frequencies. Such band pass filters can be obtained by connecting…
Elements of Network Synthesis: Elements of Network Synthesis - For any network, three things are associated with it. These are network elements, input i.e. excitation to the network and output…
Magnitude Plot and Phase Angle Plot: Magnitude Plot and Phase Angle Plot - As mentioned earlier, the polar coordinate system is very commonly used to obtain the frequency response. The…
Frequency Domain Analysis: Frequency Domain Analysis - As we now already, the responses of the networks to the various time dependent inputs such as step, ramp, exponential etc. are studied.…
Evaluation of Residue Using Pole-zero Plot: The behavior of a network can be predicted only by looking at the pole-zero plot. The poles are the complex frequencies explaining the time…