Conduction and Breakdown in Pure Liquids

Conduction and Breakdown in Pure Liquids: When low electric fields less than 1 kV/cm are applied, conductivities of 10-18-10-20 mho/cm are obtained. Conduction and Breakdown in Pure Liquids are probably…

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Townsend Current Growth Equation

Townsend Current Growth Equation: Referring to Fig. 2.1 shows the Townsend Current Growth Equation. let us assume that n0 electrons are emitted from the cathode. When one electron collides with a neutral…

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Ionization Processes

Ionization Processes: A gas in its normal state is almost a perfect insulator. However, when a high voltage is applied between the two electrodes immersed in a gaseous medium, the…

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Collision Process in Gases

Collision Process in Gases: An electrical discharge is normally created from unionised gas by Collision Process in Gases. These processes are mainly gas processes which occur due to the collision…

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Grounding or Earthing

Grounding or Earthing: The process of connecting the metallic frame (i.e. non-current carrying part) of electrical equipment or some electrical part of the system (e.g. neutral point in a star-connected…

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Surge Diverter

Surge Diverter | Lightning Arrester Types: The earthing screen and ground wires can well protect the electrical system against direct lightning strokes but they fail to provide protection against travelling…

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Types of Protection

Types of Protection: When a fault occurs on any part of electric power system, it must be cleared quickly in order to avoid damage and/or interference with the rest of…

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