Instruction Cycle of 8085 Microprocessor

Instruction Cycle of 8085 Microprocessor: During normal operation, the microprocessor sequentially fetches, decodes and executes one instruction after another until a halt instruction (HLT) is executed. The fetching, decoding and…

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8085 Microprocessor Architecture and its Operations

8085 Microprocessor Architecture and its Operations: Fig. 1.1 shows the 8085 Microprocessor Architecture. It consists of various functional blocks as listed below : Registers Arithmetic and Logic Unit Instruction decoder…

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Charge Simulation Method for Electric Field

Charge Simulation Method for Electric Field: Charge Simulation Method (CSM) belongs to the family of integral methods for calculation of electric fields. There are two variations of this method: CSM…

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Electric Field Equation

Electric Field Equation: Electric Field Equation - In recent years, several numerical methods for solving partial differential equations which include Laplace's and Poisson's equations have become available. There are inherent…

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Electrical Energy Definition

Electrical Energy Definition: Electrical Energy Definition states that energy is the basic necessity for the economic development of a country. Many functions necessary to present-day living grind to halt when…

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Starting Method of Induction Motor

Starting Method of Induction Motor: Transient processes involved with the Starting Method of Induction Motor in a variable speed drive require a detailed study. The electric motor and connected load…

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Characteristics of Synchronous Motor

Characteristics of Synchronous Motor: Characteristics of Synchronous Motor are constant speed motors. The speed of the motor is decided by the number of poles and frequency. Compared to an induction…

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Characteristics of Three Phase Induction Motor

Characteristics of Three Phase Induction Motor: The performance Characteristics of Three Phase Induction Motor can be de­rived using the approximate equivalent circuit shown in Fig. 1.20(a). In the circuit The…

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