Heat Capacity of Calorimeter

Heat Capacity of Calorimeter: Heat Capacity of Calorimeter - RF power may be directly converted into heat. Water acts as the load, and RF power may be used to heat…

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Definition of Recorder

Definition of Recorder: Definition of Recorder - A recorder is a measuring instrument that displays a time-varying signal in a form easy to examine, even after the original signal has ceased…

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Power and Power Factor Articles

Power and Power Factor Articles: Instantaneous Power Formula: Instantaneous Power Formula – In a purely resistive circuit, all the energy delivered by the source is dissipated in the form of…

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Alternating Currents and Voltages Articles

Alternating Currents and Voltages Articles: The Sine Wave: Many a time, alternating voltages and currents are represented by a sinusoidal wave, or simply a sinusoid. It is a very common…

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Coal Based Thermal Power Plants Articles

Coal Based Thermal Power Plants Articles: Rankine Cycle (Simple Steam Power Cycle): Rankine cycle is the theoretical cycle on which the steam turbine (engine) works. Boiler Refer the process (4)…

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Theory of PN Junction Diodes Articles

Theory of PN Junction Diodes Articles: Diode Failure Modes and Causes: We would certainly like for solid-state components to be 100% reliable but this is unfortunately not true. All solid-state…

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Semiconductor Physics Articles

Semiconductor Physics Articles: Elemental Semiconductor Materials: Group IV includes five elements viz., Carbon (C), Silicon (Si), Germanium (Ge), Tin (Sn) and lead (Pb). The elements of this subgroup show marked…

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