Microwave Transistors

Microwave Transistors: Silicon bipolar transistors were first on the microwave scene, followed by GaAs field-effect transistors. Indeed, FETs now have noticeably lower noise figures, and in the C band and…

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Transistor RF Amplifier Circuit

Transistor RF Amplifier Circuit: A radio receiver always has an RF section, which is a tunable circuit connected to the antenna terminals. It is there to select the wanted frequency…

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Transistor Buffer Circuit

Transistor Buffer Circuit: The Fig. 15.12 shows the Transistor Buffer Circuit. In these Transistor Buffer Circuit, transistor is used as a switch. It can be switch ON or OFF with…

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Features of Variable Voltage Inverters

Features of Variable Voltage Inverters: The inverter has an impressed dc voltage. The output voltage of the inverter is decided by the firing and duration of the thyristors. The conduction…

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Switching Transistor

Switching Transistor: The characteristics of modern Switching Transistor are specially suited to the functional requirements mentioned already. These along with the other Semiconductor production of static relays. The properties particularly…

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Voltage Source and Current Source

Voltage Source and Current Source: According to their terminal Voltage Current Characteristics, electrical Sources of Energy are categorized into ideal voltage source and current source. Further they can be divided…

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Transistor Chopper Circuit

Transistor Chopper Circuit: Transistor Chopper Circuit - A single transistor used as a dynamic switch to convert low level dc signal to an ac waveform is shown in Fig. 14.34.…

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