CMRR of Op Amp Formula (Common Mode Rejection Ratio)
CMRR of Op Amp Formula (Common Mode Rejection Ratio): One of the more common features of a differential amplifier is its ability to cancel out or reject certain types of…
CMRR of Op Amp Formula (Common Mode Rejection Ratio): One of the more common features of a differential amplifier is its ability to cancel out or reject certain types of…
Op Amp IC 741 Pin Diagram and its Working: The schematic diagram and Op Amp IC 741 Pin Diagram is shown in Fig. 33.4 (a) and in Fig. 33.4 (b).…
Blocking Oscillator - Definition, Operation and Types: The output of an active device may be coupled back to the input through a pulse transformer. If the relative windings polarities are…
Triggering in Digital Electronics | Types: Triggering in Digital Electronics is the process of applying an external signal to induce transition from one state to another. The signal used for…
Commutating Capacitor in Bistable Multivibrator or Speed up Capacitor: Commutating Capacitor in Bistable Multivibrator is also called as Speed up Capacitor. Whenever a triggering pulse is applied to change the…
Bistable Multivibrator - Working and Types: A bistable multivibrator, as its name implies, has two stable states. It can stay in either of the two states indefinitely (as long as…
Monostable Multivibrator - Operation, Types and Application: Monostable multivibrator is a two-stage amplifier with two states—one stable state and another quasi-stable state. The circuit has two transistors Q1 and Q2,…
Astable Multivibrator Definition and its Working: The multivibrator circuit which has no stable state is called the astable multivibrator. The two states of operation of astable multivibrators are quasi-stable (temporary)…