Switching Characteristics of Power MOSFET
Switching Characteristics of Power MOSFET: Power MOSFET is an enhancement mode device modified to handle much large currents and voltages than a conventional MOSFET. Prior to the invention of the…
Switching Characteristics of Power MOSFET: Power MOSFET is an enhancement mode device modified to handle much large currents and voltages than a conventional MOSFET. Prior to the invention of the…
Step Down Chopper with RLE Load Working Principle: The choppers are widely employed for speed control of dc motors in industrial and traction drives. Figure 27.30 (a) shows the basic…
What is a Power Converter? Solid-state power converter are employed for obtaining the approÂpriate form of electrical energy such as direct current or adjustable-frequency alternating current (required to operate most…
UJT Triggering of SCR Working Principle: UJT Triggering of SCR Working Principle - One common application of the unijunction transistor is the triggering of the other devices such as the…
Power BJT - Construction, Operation and its Characteristics: Power transistors are large-area devices. Because of differences in geometry and doping concentrations, their properties tend to vary from those of the…
Light Activated SCR (LASCR) - Symbol, Construction and Operation: Light activated SCR is just an ordinary SCR except that it can also be light triggered. Most LASCRs also have a…
Silicon Controlled Switch (SCS) - Symbol, Operation, Advantages and Application: Silicon controlled switch (SCS), like the SCR, is a unilateral, four layer, three junction P-N-P-N silicon device with four electrodes…
Shockley Diode Equation, Symbol, Operation and Applications: The four layer diode, also called the Shockley diode after its inÂventor Willian Shockley, is essentially a low-current SCR without a gate. It…