Base Bias with Collector Feedback Circuit
Base Bias with Collector Feedback Circuit: This Base Bias with Collector Feedback Circuit is like a fixed bias circuit except that the base resistor RB is returned to the collector…
Base Bias with Collector Feedback Circuit: This Base Bias with Collector Feedback Circuit is like a fixed bias circuit except that the base resistor RB is returned to the collector…
Self Bias or Potential Divider Bias Circuit: This is the most commonly used biasing arrangement. The arrangement of Self Bias or Potential Divider Bias Circuit is shown in Fig. 12.17…
Emitter Bias Circuit Diagram: This Emitter Bias Circuit Diagram is obtained by simply introducing an emitter resistor to the fixed bias circuit as shown in Fig. 12.9. For analysis, we…
Fixed Bias Circuit Diagram - Advantages and Disadvantages: Fixed Bias Circuit Diagram shown in Fig. 12.5 uses two batteries VBB and VCC. The battery VBB gives potential to the base…
Negative Resistance Oscillators - Working and Types: Negative resistance oscillators make use of negative resistance elements such as tetrodes, tunnel diodes, unijunction transistors etc. There are two types of negative…
Crystal Oscillators - Circuit, Working, Advantages and Disadvantages: In crystal oscillators, the usual electrical resonant circuit is replaced by a mechanically vibrating crystal. The crystal (usually quartz) has a high…
Clapp Oscillator - Circuit Diagram and Operation: The Clapp oscillator shown in Fig. 21.15 is a refinement of the Colpitt's oscillator. The single inductor found in the Colpitt's oscillator is…
Tuned Base Oscillator - Definition and Working Principle: When a parallel tuned L-C circuit is placed in the base-to-ground circuit, the oscillator is known as the tuned base oscillator. The…