Bipolar Junction Transistors Articles
Bipolar Junction Transistors Articles: Transistor Operation: pnp and npn Transistor Operation – A junction transistor is simply a sandwich of one type of semiconductor material (p-type or n-type) between two…
Bipolar Junction Transistors Articles: Transistor Operation: pnp and npn Transistor Operation – A junction transistor is simply a sandwich of one type of semiconductor material (p-type or n-type) between two…
Darlington Connected Output Transistors: High-power transistors usually have low current gains, so relatively large base currents must flow into Q2 and Q3 to supply a high load current. This means…
IC Linear Voltage Regulators: 723 IC Regulator - The basic circuit of a 723 IC Linear Voltage Regulators in a dual-in-line package is shown in Fig. 17-20. This IC has…
Op Amp Voltage Regulators: Voltage Follower Regulator - Refer once again to the Op Amp Voltage Regulators circuit in Fig. 17-11. The complete error amplifier has two input terminals at…
Two Stage CE Amplifier using Series Voltage Negative Feedback: Negative Feedback Amplifier Circuit - A two-stage, capacitor-coupled BJT amplifier is shown in Fig. 13Â-10. This is the same Two Stage…
Voltage Series Negative Feedback Amplifier: In a negative feedback amplifier, a small portion of the output voltage is fed back to the input. When the feedback voltage is applied in…
Differential Amplifier Circuit using Transistors: The Differential Amplifier Circuit using Transistors is widely applied in integrated circuitry, because it has both good bias stability and good voltage gain without the…
Junction Field Effect Transistor Theory: n-Channel JFET - The operating principle of an n-channel Junction Field Effect Transistor Theory (JFET) is illustrated by the block representation in Fig. 9-1(a). A…