Series Impedance Voltmeter

Series Impedance Voltmeter: For power frequency a.c. measurements the Series Impedance Voltmeter may be a pure resistance or a reactance. Since resistances involve power losses, often a capacitor is preferred…

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Standard Impulse Wave Shapes

Standard Impulse Wave Shapes: Transient overvoltages due to lighting and switching surges cause steep build-up of voltage on transmission lines and other electrical apparatus. Experimental investigations showed that these waves…

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Applications in Circuit Breaker

Applications in Circuit Breaker: Applications in Circuit Breaker : A circuit breaker is a switch which automatically interrupts the circuit when a critical current or voltage rating is exceeded. A.c.…

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Types of Lightning Strikes

Types of Lightning Strikes: There are two Types of Lightning Strikes may strike the power system (e.g. overhead lines, towers, sub-stations etc.), namely; Direct stroke Indirect stroke 1. Direct stroke:…

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Voltage Surge or Transient Voltage

Voltage Surge or Transient Voltage: A sudden rise in voltage for a very short duration on the power system is known as a Voltage Surge or Transient Voltage. Transients or…

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Circuit Breakers Definition

Circuit Breakers Definition: A circuit breaker can make or break a circuit either manually or automatically under all conditions viz., no-load, full-load and short-circuit conditions. This characteristic of the Circuit…

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