Transmission Lines and Waveguides

Transmission Lines and Waveguides: As we know already that, γ is a complex number of Transmission Lines and Waveguides which can be expressed as The real part α is called…

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Long Transmission Line

Long Transmission Line: For lines over 250 km, the fact that the parameters of a line are not lumped but distributed uniformly throughout its length, must be considered. Figure 5.10…

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Voltage Regulation of Transmission Line

Voltage Regulation of Transmission Line: Voltage Regulation of Transmission Line is defined as the rise in voltage at the receiving-end, expressed as percentage of full load voltage, when full load…

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Filters in Network Analysis Articles

Filters in Network Analysis Articles: Ideal Filter Characteristics: The range of frequencies over which attenuation by filter is zero is called pass band. The range of frequencies over which attenuation…

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Butterworth Approximation

Butterworth Approximation: Butterworth Approximation - In low-pass filter design, we have to assume that all transmission zeros of the system function are at infinity. Then the magnitude function in general…

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