Ratio Detector Circuit
Ratio Detector Circuit: In the Foster-Seeley discriminator, changes in the magnitude of the input signal will give rise to amplitude changes in the resulting output voltage. This makes prior limiting…
Ratio Detector Circuit: In the Foster-Seeley discriminator, changes in the magnitude of the input signal will give rise to amplitude changes in the resulting output voltage. This makes prior limiting…
Automatic Frequency Control Block Diagram: Automatic frequency control: As previously we see, the heart of an AFC circuit is a frequency-sensitive device, such as the phase discriminator, which produces a…
Delayed Automatic Gain Control: Delayed Automatic Gain Control: Simple AGC is clearly an improvement on no AGC at all, in that the gain of the receiver is reduced for strong…
Working Principle of Automatic Gain Control: Working Principle of Automatic Gain Control is a system by means of which the overall gain of a radio receiver is varied automatically with…
Superheterodyne Principle: The block diagram of Figure 6-2 shows a basic superheterodyne receiver. In the Superheterodyne Principle, the incoming signal voltage is combined with a signal generated in the receiver.…
Theory of Frequency Modulation and Phase Modulation: Frequency Modulation and Phase Modulation is a system in which the amplitude of the modulated carrier is kept constant, while its frequency and…
Methods of Suppressing Unwanted Sidebands: As stated earlier, the three practical methods of SSB generation all use the balanced modulator to suppress the carrier, but each uses a different method…
Generation of Amplitude Modulation: There are two types of devices in which it may be necessary to the Generation of Amplitude Modulation. The first of these, the AM transmitter, generates…