Practical PMMC Movement
Practical PMMC Movement: The basic Practical PMMC Movement (also called a D'Arsonval movement) offers the largest magnet in a given space, in the form of a horse-shoe, and is used…
Practical PMMC Movement: The basic Practical PMMC Movement (also called a D'Arsonval movement) offers the largest magnet in a given space, in the form of a horse-shoe, and is used…
ZBUS Formulation: ZBUS Formulation is given by By Inventing YBUS The sparsity of YBUS may be retained by using an efficient inversion technique and nodal impedance matrix can then be…
Development of a High Efficiency Induction Motor: With ever-increasing energy cost the life-time operating cost of an induction motor can be traded against a high efficiency and high capital cost…
What is Semiconductor Memory?: What is Semiconductor Memory? - Memories are made up of registers. Each register in the memory is one storage location. Each location is identified by an…
Torque in Round Rotor Synchronous Machine: Torque in Round Rotor Synchronous Machine - When the stator and rotor windings of a machine both carry currents, they produce their own magnetic…
Audio Frequency Transformer: Audio Frequency Transformer is used at the output stage of Audio Frequency electronic amplifier for matching the load to the output impedance of the power amplifier stage.…
Current transformer and Potential transformer: These Current transformer and Potential transformer are designed to meet the specific need of measurement and instrumentation systems, which accept voltages in the range of…
Transformer Testing Methods: Two chief difficulties which do not warrant the Transformer Testing Methods by direct load test are: Large amount of energy has to be wasted in such a…